Friday, 9 August 2013


Hey everyone, I wanted to take a few minutes to address an issue regarding the difference between “Range Gear” and “Operational Gear”.  As I’m sure most of us will agree, we’d all love to have the latest and greatest in big brand name tactical gear for our playtime at our respective ranges.  However, the very real issue with a lot of shooting enthusiasts is that we do not have access to an unlimited bank account to allow us to keep up with the Jones’s.  But here is another reality. Unless you are an operator or security contractor purchasing gear that will be used daily under real tactical and harsh operational conditions… don’t need to purchase top of the line gear!  Persons who spend long hours or even days in their gear and rely on it for optimal performance because their lives depend on it; these are the people who should be making a real investment in the quality of their gear. As for the folks who just want to get out to the range and rehearse their shooting drills or perhaps take a gunfighter course or two, you can afford to spend $100 on a vest or plate carrier vice $500 or more. There are a variety of companies out there that are producing durable and effective tactical gear that will allow shooters with limited funds to get out on the firing point.  CONDOR is one of these companies but unfortunately, anything with the “CONDOR” brand name attached is automatically and unjustifiably labelled sub-standard regardless of how well it does or does not perform its desired or designed function.  Over the years I have purchased several CONDOR items which are seen in the picture below.  I have also purchased several popular brand name items from 5:11, Safari land, Viking Tactical and Blackhawk but what is important to note is that the cheaper items work just as well as most of the more expensive brand name items for recreational range usage.  At the end of the day it will be each user who will ultimately decide what they will spend their hard earned money on.  My best piece of advice is to not be swayed by gear snobs who insist the best and most expensive is the only acceptable option.  Do a little research and find what you want/need that will fit your budget and get out there and start shooting.


Here is a picture of the gear I often use at the range.  I have a CONDOR quick release plate carrier with six CONDOR double stack AR mag pouches.  I also have a VISM Battle Belt with a Blackhawk Serpa holster, four 5:11 pistol mag pouches and a 5:11 drop pouch.  My North Eastern Arms 12.5 AR has a Blackhawk single point sling with a Tasco Red Dot optic and a set of Oakley tactical shooting gloves.

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